What Happens in Shuttle Mediation
Shuttle mediation is used in cases where the participants cannot be in the same room for some reason but still wish to resolve their problems by mediation. Which makes it a great mediation option for divorce. Although you will be in different rooms the same principles apply to Shuttle Mediation as to Family Mediation.
Do not be concerned if you have been invited to participate in a mediation process that has been initiated by someone else. Your mediator will work with you both while remaining unbiased and impartial throughout the process, regardless of who contacted us first.
At a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM), you will have a one-on-one conversation with the mediator. They will learn what topics you want to discuss during mediation, explain the process and make sure that it is a safe environment for everyone. Once everyone involved has gone through the MIAM, joint meetings will take place.
If you feel that you want to have a shuttle mediation you can discuss this with your mediator at your MIAM.
Shuttle mediation is the same process as Family Mediation. The only difference is that you and the other participants will be in different rooms. Anything you discuss with the mediator can be shared with the other participant.
The same important 3 rules that applied to Family Mediation apply to Shuttle Mediation:
Impartiality. Your mediator is impartial and will be working with you both. As a result you mediator cannot deal with either of you in secret and cannot hide information from either o you. Your mediator is not a judge nor a legal advisor.
Private. Your mediation is private. You cannot talk about what happens in mediation in court although you can share information with your legal advisor if you have one. Your mediator will keep your discussions private. There are some limited situations in which that can change and your mediator will tell you about that at your MIAM.
Voluntary. You do not have to mediate. We hope that you will want to mediate and will find a value in doing it. Mediation is not compulsory and you may leave at any time.